SAR 2023 2024
1) Teaching Learning Score (140)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Mode of Teaching i. Lecture Method Only ii. Technology based teaching only Or Blended teaching iii. Flipped Classroom iv. As per need of different groups of students |
i. Lecture Method Only = 6 ii. Technology based teaching only (6+6=12) Or Blended teaching iii. Flipped Classroom = 8 iv. As per need of different groups of students = 5 |
25 | 6+6+8+5=25 | Annexure 1.1 | |
2 | Curriculum Planning and Implementation: i. Teaching schedule ii. Weather learning outcomes defined iii. Curriculum enrichment practices (e.g. projects, survey, educational tours and industry visits) iv. Internal assessment mechanism (quizzes, classtest, presentation, assignment, MTT etc)v. Prompt communication of assessment/results to students (e.g. displayed on college website/notice board/class groups /submitted to COE) |
i. Followed 100% = 10 80-99% = 8 60-79% = 6 Up to 59% = 4 ii. 100% = 5 80-99% = 4 60-79% = 3 Up to 59% = 2 iii. 4.0 * No. of enrichment practices observed = 16 iv. Followed by all the Departments = 8 Above 80% = 6 60-79% = 4 Up to 59% = 2 v. Within 7 Days = 6 8-14 Days = 3 More than 14 Days = NIL |
45 | 10+5+16+8+6=45 | Annexure 1.2 | |
3 | Add-on Courses/Certificate Courses i. No. of courses (to be specified separately) ii. % of students benefitted (% of students completed MOOCs/spoken Tutorial/NPTEL/Other courses offered by recognized organization |
i. No. of courses>5 and students benefitted>50% = 10+10 ii. No. of courses>3 and students benefitted 41-50% = 7.5+7.5 iii. No. of courses<3 and students benefitted 31-40% = 5+5 iv. No. of courses<3 and students benefitted up to 30% = 2.5+2.5 |
20 | 5 | Annexure 1.3 | |
4 | Student Feedback (taken from students with 80%attendance) i. Sample size ii. Students satisfaction iii. Action on feedback |
i. >25% = 05 20-25% = 04 15-19% = 03 10-14% = 02 <10% = 01 ii. 91-100% = 10 81-90% = 08 71-80% = 06 61--70% = 04 <60% = 0 iii. Consideration and action taken on doables 81-100% = 10 61-80% = 08 51-60% = 06 41-50% = 04 |
25 | 25 | Annexure 1.4 | |
5 | Examination Result: i. % of Students Passed ii. % of Students with A Grade and Above iii. No. of Students in University Merit |
i. >81% = 09 71-80% = 08 61-70% = 07 51-60% = 06 41-50% = 04 31-40% = 03 <30% = 0 ii. >20% = 08 16-20% = 07 11-15% = 06 06-10% = 05 1-5% = 04 iii. HPU/SPU merit list1st – 3rd position = 8 4th – 10th position = 6 |
25 | 8+8= 16 | Annexure 1.5 | |
Total Score: 140 | Score Claimed: 116 |
2) Students Support, Services and Progression (Score 280)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Pre and Post Admission Counselling: i. Admission schedule, courses available, student intake, eligibility conditions communicated through various media ii. Pre admission counselling iii. Student oriented about: Institutions, Students facilities, Library, Introductory session with faculty and staff, Academic calendar, requirements of credits per course and CCA and other requirements post admission |
i Yes ii Yes iii Yes |
i. Publicity through any 3 means = 5; Publicity through any 2 means = 3; Publicity through any 1 means = 2 ii. Yes = 10 No = 0 iii. Post admission counselling/Induction = 10 |
25 | 5+10+10=25 | Annexure 2.1 |
2 | Scholarships: i. Awareness about different Scholarships Schemes and 100% coverage of all eligible students ii. Scholarships other than Government Schemes |
i Yes ii No |
i. = 5 ii. = 5 |
10 | 5 | Annexure 2.2 |
3 | Sports and Cultural activities: i. % of students participating in sports activities ii. % of students participating in cultural activities iii. Medal/Trophy won in Sports/Cultural activities a. National/Inter University b. State/Inter college c. District level (also includes cluster level) |
i More than 20% ii More than 20% iii No. of medals in Inter college = 16 |
i. >20% =10 16-20% =6 11-15% =2 ii. >20% = 10 16-20% = 6 11-15% =2 iii. a. 12 b. 10 c. 6 |
32 | 10+10+10 = 30 | Annexure 2.3 |
4 | Students Participating in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs: | i NCC = 80 ii NSS = 200 iii Rovers & Rangers =50 iv Road Safety Club = 50 v Red Ribbon Club = 46 |
i. NSS =4 ii. NCC=4 iii. Rangers & Rovers =4 iv. Road Safety=4 v. Red Ribbon/Eco/Youth Red Cross/any other club/society =4 |
20 | 4+4+4+4+4 = 20 | Annexure 2.4 |
5 | NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers: participating in i. National camps /RD Parade ii. State camps/Parade iii. Award won in these activities a) National b) State c) Cluster level |
i 01 Students of NCC Participated in National Camps iii )01 R & R student participated in RD parade held at Ridge Maidan Shimla |
i. 10 ii. 7 (either of i or ii) iii. a) 8 b) 5 c) 3 |
18 | 10 + 5 =15 | Annexure 2.5 |
6 | Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes: i. No. of awareness programmes organised ii. % of students benefitted iii. Counselling of suspected addicts |
i One ii more than 50% iii No such suspect found |
i. 4 and above= 4; 3=3; 2-2, 1-1 ii. More than 50%=4 iii. 2 |
10 | 1+4+2 =7 | Annexure 2.6 |
7 | Gender Equity: i. No. of health/sensitization programmes organised ii. % of students benefitted iii. Women anti sexual harassment committee constituted as per norms iv. Grievances Redressal as per time |
i No. of programmes organised =3 ii More than 20% iii Yes iv Yes |
i. 3 and above= 3; 2=2; 1=1 ii. More than 20%= 3; 11-20-2 iii. Yes = 2 iv. Yes = 2 |
10 | 3+ 3 +2 + 2 =10 | Annexure 2.7 |
8 | Mentor-Mentee Groups: Sessions conducted per group of students |
Nil | 4 and more sessions= 10; 3= 8; 2=5;1=3 | 10 | 0 | Nil |
9 | Coaching for National level competitive examinations/ HAS |
Nil | 10 | 10 | 0 | NIL |
10 | Remedial Classes/Bridge Courses: % of students benefitted |
Nil | i. More than 20% = 10 ii. 16-20 = 8 iii. 11-15 = 6 iv. 6-10 = 4 |
10 | 0 | Nil |
11 | Capacity Building of Students: i. Life Skills (Yoga, Martial Arts, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Decision making, Effective communication skills, coping with stress and emotions etc.) ii. Language-cum- Graduate attributes Development programmes |
i Yoga Day Celebrated in the College ii EEE Course for Skill Development |
i. =10 ii. =10 |
20 | 10 + 10 = 20 | Annexure 2.11 |
12 | Career Counselling & Placement Cell: i. No. of Career Counselling Sessions organised for each group of students ii. Number of Placement Drives iii. Self-Employment Modules Organised iv. No. of students Benefitted |
i 5 sessions ii No. of Placement Drive = 1 |
i. More than 5= 6; less than 5=4 ii. More than 2=4; less than 2=2 iii. Yes=4; No=0 iv. More than 50%= 6; Less than 50%=4 |
20 | 4 + 2 +4= 10 | Annexure 2.12 |
13 | Student Progression: i. % of Students opted for Higher Education ii. No. of students who cleared National Level examination (IAS, CDS, OTA, JAM, NET etc.) and HAS, A.P. through HPPSC |
i Up to 20% ii Nil |
i. >50%=10; 30-50%= 8; 20-30%- 6; up to 20%-4 ii. 5.0 X no. of students (Max. 20 points) |
30 | 4 | Annexure 2.13 |
14 | No. of Co-curricular and Sports Activities organised: i. Inter-University Events (Zonal/National) ii. Inter-College events iii. Intra-College Events (Annual Athletic Meet and Cultural Functions) |
iii Annual Athletic Meet, CSCA Function, Annual Prize Distribution Function |
i. Inter-University Events- 10 ii. Inter-College events- 6 25 iii. Intra-College Events- 3 Each (Max. 9) |
25 | 3+3+3 = 9 | Annexure 2.14 |
15 | Annual Prize Distribution Function Organized: (Yes/No) | Yes | Yes=10 No=0 |
10 | 10 | Annexure 2.15 |
16 | College Magazine Published: (Yes/No) | Yes | Yes=10 No=0 |
10 | 10 | Annexure 2.16 |
17 | College website updated regularly or not | Yes | Yes=10 No=0 |
10 | 10 | Kindly visit the link: |
Total Score: 280 | Score Claimed: 187 |
3) Infrastructure & Resources (Score 160)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Classrooms: Classrooms well maintained |
Yes=10 No=0 |
10 | 10 | Annexure 3.1 | |
2 | Library Facilities: i. Whether adequate print books available ii. Whether daily newspaper(minimum 5), magazines (minimum 3), and journals (minimum 3), available iii. Whether access to e-resources available iv. Seating Capacity in the Library v. Usage of library resources vi. Digital Library having atleast 5 computer systems with internet facility. |
500 books per hundred students=3; Less than 500=1 i. Yes=3 No=0 ii. Yes=3 iii. 10% or more of the student strength= 4 iv. 100% =7 75%=5 50%-3 25%=1 v. Yes=5 |
25 | 1=3 2=5 3=0 4=1 5=5 6=5 Total= 19 |
Annexure 3.2 | |
3 | ICT Facilities: i. No. of Interactive Panels/ Virtual Classrooms Multimedia Projectors/K-Yan ii. % of teachers using ICT facilities iii. No. of students benefitted from ICT facilities iv. Internet Connections-Leased Line/Fibre Network/ Wi-campus(Yes/No) v. Use of ICT facilities |
i. 5 or more-5, 4-4, 3=3,2-2,1=1 ii. >50%=5; <50%=0 iii. >50%=5; <50%=0 iv. Yes=5 v. 100%= 5, 75%=4, 50%=3, 25%=2,<25%=0 |
25 | 1=5 2=5 3=5 4=5 5=5 Total= 25 |
Annexure 3.3 | |
4 | Facilities for Specially-abled Students: i. Ramps/Wheel chairs/Support railing ii. Separate Washrooms |
i. Yes=2 ii. Yes=2 |
4 | 1=2 2=0 Total= 02 |
Annexure 3.4 | |
5 | Sports Facilities: i. No. of games / sports activity conducted ii. Indoor sport facilities iii. Adequate sport equipment’s iv. Gymnasium (Operational) |
i. More than 5-8; Less than 5= 4 ii. Yes=4 iii. Yes=4 iv. Yes=4 |
20 | 1=5 2=4 3=4 4=4 Total= |
Annexure 3.5 | |
6 | Auditorium/Hostels/Seminar Hall/Staff Quarters | Auditorium-4 Hostels =4 (2 Point for each hostel) Staff Quarters=4 Seminar Hall=4 |
16 | Hostel=2 Seminar Hall=4 Total= 06 |
Annexure 3.6 | |
7 | i. Laboratories with adequate equipment according to syllabi ii. Usage of available Lab infrastructure |
i. Yes= 10 ii. 100%=10 75%=6, 50% =5, 25%=3,<25%=0 |
20 | 1=10 2=10 Total= 20 |
Annexure 3.7 | |
8 | i. Adequate numbers of computers ii. Usage of computer hardware |
i. One system per 30 students=5; 31- 40=3; 41-50=2, more than 50=1 ii. 100% = 5 75%=4 50%=2 25%=1 <25%=0 |
20 | 1=05 2=05 Total= 10 |
Annexure 3.8 | |
9 | Canteen, Staff Room /Faculty Room, Space For NCC, NSS, Rangers & Rovers, Examination Room, Medical Care Facilities | 2 point each facility (Max 10) | 10 | 10 | Annexure 3.9 | |
10 | Documentation of Academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and achievement of students and staff on regular basis | Yes=20 No=0 |
20 | 20 | Annexure 3.10 | |
Total Score: 160 | Score Claimed: 139 |
4) Institutional Management Score (220)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Institutional Vision: i. Vision document ii. Institutional Development Plan (IDP) iii. Plan of action for above |
i Yes ii Yes iii No |
6 points each | 18 | 12 | Annexure 4.1 |
2 | IQAC: i. No. of meetings per year ii. No. of programs organised (Trainings, workshops, IPR, etc.) |
i.4 meetings = 6; 3 meetings= 4 ii. 2 per activity (Max. 6) |
12 | 06 | Annexure 4.2 | |
3 | Management of Institutional Funds: i. Funds (BF, AF, PTA etcused/ spent for Institutional Development/ student welfare ii. Periodic audit iii. Settlement of bills/advances within a specified time frame |
i.Yes ii.Yes iii.Yes |
i. utilized >90% of the funds collected annually -10;71-90%-8; 51-70%-6;31-50%-4; <30%-0 ii.Yes= 2 iii. Yes=4 | 16 | 16 | Annexure 4.3 |
4 | Grievance Redressal of Students and Employees i.Redressal within week ii.Redressal within month iii. No redressal |
i.10 ii. 4 iii. Nil |
10 | 10 | Annexure 4.4 | |
5 | Green and Clean Campus: i.Green initiatives of institution (at least 3) ii. Cleanliness in washroom, buildings / campus |
i.Yes ii.Yes |
i. 6 ii. Excellent = 10 Satisfactory =6 Poor =0 |
16 | 16 | Annexure 4.5 |
6 | Facilities for Students: i.Common room for girls ii. Adequate toilets as per students’ strength iii. Sanitary napkin vending machine/incinerator regularly put in use iv. CSCA room with proper furniture v. Student centre for co-curricular activities and its regular usage vi. Regular use of playground |
i.Yes ii.Yes iii.Yes iv.Yes v.No vi.Yes |
3 for each facility | 18 | 15 | Annexure 4.6 |
7 | Regular Updationof Service Books/Service Records |
Yes= 3 | 3 | 3 | Annexure 4.7 | |
8 | Timely Submission of ACRs | Yes=3 | 3 | 3 | Annexure 4.8 | |
9 | Prompt Response to Official Correspondence | Yes= 5 | 5 | 5 | Annexure 4.9 | |
10 | Proper maintenance of official records (Cash books/Stock registers, Fund registers, Leave records, Fine fund etc.) | Yes= 10 | 10 | 10 | Annexure 4.10 | |
11 | Proper record of students attendance and CCA | Yes=10 | 10 | 10 | Annexure 4.11 | |
12 | Whether ranked by NIRF, Other agencies | Yes= 10 | 10 | 00 | ||
13 | Whether accredited by NAAC | A and above (level 4 or 5)=20 B+ & B++(level 3)=16 B (level 2)=12 Accredited (level 1) =10 |
20 | 12 | Annexure 4.13 | |
14 | Whether AQARs are being submitted as per timeline annually or not | Yes= 12 No= 0 |
12 | 12 | Annexure 4.14 | |
15 | Recognition for Exemplary Contributions of the Staff and Students | 4 point each | 8 | 00 | ||
16 | Involvement of Stake Holders: i. PTA ii. OSA |
i. * PTA constituted as per norms=1 * PTA supportive = 1 * Significant contribution of PTA (enclose documentary proof) =10 ii) * OSA framed as per norms =1 * Financial contribution or equivalent (in-kind) per 100 Alumni of Rs. 25,000/- per annum = 3 * Non financial contribution (career counselling, talk, interactive session / facilitation in placement of students etc. on regular basis)= 4 |
20 | 10 | Annexure 4.16 | |
17 | Feedback from Stakeholders other than Students and action taken thereon |
Yes=4 | 4 | 4 | Annexure 4.17 | |
18 | Annual review meeting on students outcomes in academics, co-curricular, extra curricular and extension activities and action taken during next academic session for achieving excellence |
Yes= 25 | 25 | 25 | Annexure 4.18 | |
Total Score: 220 | Score Claimed: 169 |
5) Best Practices, Innovation and Institution Distinctiveness (Score 80)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Best Practices Description & Outcome of Best Practices (At least Two): | Yes | 20 | 20 | 20 | Annexure 5.1 |
2 | i) Energy Conservation/Use of Solar energy ii) Solid Waste Segregation/Management iii)Rain water harvesting and its Use for gardening and Cleanliness iv)Plastic free Campus v)Blood donation Camps vi)Adoption of Village |
No Yes Yes |
4 4 4 |
0 4 4 |
0 4 4 |
Annexure 5.2 |
3 | Social Impact Extension Activities | 10 | 10 | 10 | Annexure 5.3 | |
4 | Special New Innovation Initiatives Or Ideas Adopted in the College.(other than at Sr.No.5.2above) | 16 | 16 | 16 | Annexure 5.4 | |
5 | Collaborations :- I) With Peer Educational/research Institutes II) Other Government Bodies/Industries |
No |
5 |
5 |
0 |
Total Score: 80 | Score Claimed: 62 |
6) Faculty Profile & Research Activities (Score 100)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Percentage of Teachers with Ph.D | 14/27=51.8 | 05 | 03 | Annexure 6.1 | |
2 | Teachers as Research Guide | 02 | 08 | 08 | Annexure 6.2 | |
3 | No. of Orientation Programmes, Refresher Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Workshops of one Week or more attended (in the last three years) certificates OP=13 RC=23 FDP=19 Workshops=06 IN TOTAL=51 |
10 | 10 | Annexure 6.3 | |
4 | Projects/Patents/Fellowships/Associateships: i. Major ii. Minor iii. Patents iv. Fellowships v. Associateships |
Nil | 10 | 00 | ||
5 | No. of Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia (in the last three years): A. International B. National/Regional/State level |
a. 41 Papers were presented in International Conferences=41×2=82 b.29 Papers were presented in National Conferences by different faculty members in total=29×1=29 Total Score: 82+29=111 |
08 | 08 | Annexure 6.5 | |
6 | Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Trainings organised by the Institution i. International Level ii. National Level iii. State Level |
NIL | 06 | 00 | NIL | |
7 | No. of Papers Published: 1.UGC Care List Journals (5 Points per paper) 2. Non-UGC Care List Journals (2 Points per paper) C. Citations (1 point per 20 Citations) |
In Total 22 Paper were published by 9 different faculty members: 22×2=44 |
20 | 20 | Annexure 6.7 | |
8 | Teacher’s Special Innovative Ideas (Brief description thereof) |
05 | 05 | Annexure6.8 | ||
In continuation of the institution annual tradition of making the students conscious towards various Eco friendly activities, Poly(Eco)
bricks were prepared by the students and they were handed over to village panchayat secretory. Student led learning is promoted where students are given a chance to teach their peers on certain topics. This allows them to take ownership of their learning. It can build confidence and reinforce their understanding of the subject. |
9 | No. of Books Published/Chapter in Books (Mention whether National/International/Regional/State Publisher) |
2×5=10 | 10 | 10 | Annexure 6.9 | |
10 | Teachers Academic and Extension Activities: i. Resource Person:01 ii. Member of Board of Studies: 03 iii. Popular articles:00 |
ii. 4×3=12 Total Points: 14 |
10 | 10 | Annexure 6.10 | |
11 | Awards by Recognised & Reputed Organisations: i. International ii. National State |
NIL | 0 | NIL | ||
Total Score: 100 | Score Claimed: 74 |
7) Miscellaneous Score (120)
Sr. No. | Activity | Status | Distribution of Scores | Total Score | Score Claimed | Supporting Documents |
1 | Any Other Important Information or initiative not Covered Above e.g. Institution Incubation Centre, R&D-cum innovation centre, B.Voc, Self Finance courses, Add-on courses, Internship, ОЈТ, Green audit, Academic audit etc. |
i. Self-Finance Courses
ii. Add on courses iii. Academic Audit |
10 Each (Max. 50) |
50 | 30 | Annexure 7.1 |
2 | Spot evaluation of institutions by the Officers from the Directorate of Higher Education/representative of the Director of Higher Education |
Inspection of Institution by a committee constituted by SPU Mandi.
A Surprise Visit by Dr. Harish Kumar, Additional Director, Directorate of Higher Education. |
Yes | 20 | 20 | Annexure 7.2 |
3 | AG Audit paras settled up to date | 05 out of 06 | Yes | 05 | 05 | Annexure 7.3 |
4 | Local Audit Paras settled up to date | 27 out of 43 | Yes | 05 | 05 | Annexure 7.4 |
5 | Timeline adhered to in filing reply of court cases / RTI Applications/Public grievances received through Mukhyamantri Seva Sankalp 1100 and Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) |
3 RTI applications were received for which information was provided by the college. | Yes | 10 | 10 | Annexure 7.5 |
6 | Invited speakers on various themes relevant to holistic development of students. |
1. A Guest Lecture and Interactive Session on “General Banking and Cyber Crimes.” 2. A guest lecture on the benefits of Ayurveda. 3. A Career Counselling guest lecture by CEO of Chitkara University Mr. Kiran Kurware. 4. A Guest Lecture on Road Safety |
Yes | 10 | 10 | Annexure 7.6 |
7 | Skill Development Training (at least 20% students benefited) |
i. English Employability and Entrepreneurship (EEE) program under state component of Himachal Pradesh Skill Development Project of HPKVN. ii. Skill Enhancement Courses. iii. Writing Skills |
Yes | 20 | 20 | Annexure 7.7 |
Total Score: 120 | Score Claimed: 100 |
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